Mark Morales Portfolio
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Senior Integrated Producer

Professionally, I wear an integrated producer cape by day. I am comfortable on the agency side and/or the client side.

I am organized, effective and get things done. Here are some examples of the brands i've worked on and the creative i've delivered.

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Academy of Art, San Francisco

I graduated a BFA in Web Design/New Media in 2014. I became fully versed in Adobe's Creative Suite and strengthened my digital chops from the ground up.

All By Myself.

Here are a few of my projects.

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AIDS/LifeCycle Roadie Captain 2012-22

This began as a thank you site that I built for my donors and supporters to experience The Ride.

AIDS/LifeCycle is a beautiful thing. And I am lucky to have it in my life. We give of ourselves to ride, to roadie, to fight HIV and AIDS.

Welcome to Me

I am a fixer, a solutions finder with the innate ability to handle complex challenges, people and clients. I have a keen understanding when I need to listen, when I need to teach and when I need to bend.


My Personal Manifesto

I thrive in fast‑paced, dynamic environments where my problem solving skills and solutions focused experience will be utilized and appreciated. I bring an in-depth know how of best practices to produce creative across digital, video, print and events. I know how it’s done and how to do it.

I am available in the Bay Area. But open to remote or relocation considerations.

Contact Me

Follow either of the links below to get in touch with me. You can download my work history and/or drop me an email.

E: Hello

C.V.: Work History